The main aim of this website is to be a central point to exchange information that directly or indirectly influences the lives of White South Africans. This website is not affiliated to any particular group, but does serve as a platform for other organizations or groups to publish news or related articles to the general public. Membership is open to anyone. Contributions to this site is made by the people for the people and as such this website can not be held responsible or liable for any of the posts. Media on this site is accepted as being in public domain, but should it happen that copyrighted material is used without consent it will be removed on request from original owner.
So the first thing you would hear when you say the name of this site or talk about what we do here is “Racist”. But if we look at some of the other organizations in SA we will find many groups or organizations that cater for a particular race or group of people. If any other race or group in SA feel threatened by this website they should get help with their insecurities. It is time for the whites of this country to regain their pride and not be ashamed of the color of their skin and their traditions. We are a group of people that by right of birth deserve to be in this country just as much as anybody else. For too long the blame for everything that is wrong in this country was and still is shifted to the whites or apartheid. Black Economic Empowerment is used as a reverse apartheid these days. Young white people that was born after apartheid are refused entry to universities based on the color of their skin. White people are refused jobs. What happened to employing someone because they are the best person for a job, irrespective of the color of their skin? What happened to the idea that hard work gets you to the top in life? These days the color of your skin determine who gets to the top, or not really. What gets you to the top these days in SA is how corrupt you are and who your family is and your political connections.